Sly Like a Fox

We were at my brother's weekend home at Holly Lakes just north of Tyler, Texas this past weekend. Friday, just before dark, we hopped in the golf cart with camera in hand in hopes of catching a few good pics of deer.

We decided to play a couple of holes, so my husband, Mark teed off and hit the ball in the center of the fairway at the bottom of a hill. When I walked out to see his shot, a red fox ran out of the bushes and chased his ball down and began playing with the ball like a kitten.

We decided to see how close we could get to him in the cart. When we got within about 30 yards, the fox put the ball in his mouth and ran off. He stopped just on the other side of a bunker (about another 30 yards) and stood and looked at us. Finally he dropped the ball and just sat there.

The pics are fuzzy because it was getting dark, but they are untouched and real.

And yes, we let him keep the ball. We figure he has a pile of golf balls stashed somewhere in the woods.