Weight and Grip

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  • 2 Replies
  1. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Looking for help here...I recently changed the grip on my Golo 6 putter. I replaced the stock pistolero plus grip which weighs 83 grams with the SC large paddle grip which weighs 76 grams. The weights in the putter are 10 g each. Here's the question...do the putter head weights need to be changed to balance the grip? Before there was a difference of 63 grams, now it's a difference of 56grams between head and grip. Or am I just reading too much into this? I know Scotty puts alot of research into the proper head and grip weight for that perfect balance.

  2. Nathan B

    Nathan B
    Marietta, GA

    +/- 7g change in grip weight at the butt end of the putter is a lot less of a factor than +/- 7g in the putter head. I believe that every +/- 8g in the grip subtracts or adds one swingweight point, respectively. For comparison, every +/- 2g in the putterhead equates to +/- 1 swingweight point, respectively.

    If you knew the swingweight of the putter beforehand, you can always take it to a PGA superstore (maybe golf galaxy?) and have them measure the new swingweight for free, takes 30 seconds.
  3. 10g weights suggest a 35" putter. It would be very difficult to notice a difference of only 7g difference in grip weight

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