Ordering a longer Scotty Cameron

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By Nathan

  • 6 Replies
  1. Nathan

    Marietta, GA

    I am 6'8" and have had a VERY long (and not cheap) road of trial and error to find the correct putter length for me. Since almost all standard putters stop at 35" I started there, quickly went to 36", then to 37" where I stayed for a while. I then went to a fitter to get an opinion of the correct length, the answer was I measured 39" from wrist to floor, but they didn't have any way for me to test out putters longer than 36" in, which made things difficult.

    Long story short, I recently landed on 37.5" as the perfect length for me. The problem is that my plan was to order a Studio Style putter in my correct length when they come out soon, but Scotty's can only be ordered at 37" at the most. I reached out to titleist customer service and they confirmed 37" is the limit you can order.

    I know they come in long designs but the using the full length of the counterbalance grip would make the putter swingweight like H5 and I really dont want to immediately spend another $50+ lengthening and regripping a brand new putter, especially if I want to keep a Scotty grip on it. Does anyone know if there's a solution for this? Thanks in advance, I know this is a bit of a unique situation.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Order 37" with grip uninstalled (or remove grip), install 1/2" extension, put grip back on. Extensions costs less than $5.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    If you purchase one line, will they send you a putter with the grip off? They go to a repair shop and have them add the extended you need. $50 seems a bit high to put an extender on. Check around.
  4. Nathan

    Marietta, GA

    The $50 would be including purchasing another Scotty grip as I like some of the ones that are available when ordering online but, they're hard to find/expensive elsewhere. Am I able to order a Scotty with the grip uninstalled? This would solve my problem but I don't see an option online to do so.

    The PGA Superstore near me carries Scotty grips but if you buy one you have to have it installed. I assumed Titleist didn't let you order putters online with the grip in the box for the same reason, to protect from people buying them all and immediately flipping them on ebay or marketplace
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Chris from up in Ohio, might be a better person to answer this, he is rather knowledgeable when it comes to Scotty putters. The big guy is our SC guru.
  6. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I would suggest buying the putter at retail. Then take it to a high-end fitter like Club Champion or Hot Stix.

    Good luck getting your putter to fit you properly.
  7. My suggestion would be to order the putter at 37" with grip installed, then take it to your Pro or local local club fitter and ask them to pull the grip for reuse ( easily done), fit half inch extension, and the put back on the grip. It should only cost $20-30.

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