Adjusting head weights for oversize grips

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By Mark S

  • 1 Reply
  1. I have a 2012 SC California Fastback mid-mallet, 35". I added the oversize (large) red SC Matador grip, and because the grip is much heavier than the stock grip, I removed the 2 stock 10-gram weights in the sole, and replaced each with 20 grams (adding a total of 20g to the overall head weight). Now I'm wondering if the balance would be better if I added two 15-gram weights instead of the 20g. I may be over-thinking it, just wondering if there's an optimal headweight/swingweight for the large Matador grip on a 35-incher.

  2. First lets discuss your grip weight...the mid (stock) is about 85 grams while the large is lighter around 66 grams (approx.). Thus, you will need less weight in the head to achieve the same swing weight you were at before. Thus, if it came with 10gram weights you may need to consider 5 grams weights (which are the lightest made)...if you go heavier in the sole weights the swing weight will balloon. Just some thoughts! Experimentation is find your preferred set up.

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