Futura X Dual Balance Grip Change

Follow Thread

By Nick P

  • 4 Replies
  1. Looking to switch out the current Scotty Winn Dual Balance grip for the new Super Stroke 2.0 XL +. Just wondering if anyone has made the switch and if it would throw off the balance since its a slightly shorter grip (1 inch).  Also wanted to see if anyone has cut down the putter if thay had any effect? Ideally I would be at 37" with the Super Stroke XL + (usually use 34") and the 38" catches my shirts sometimes. I don't want to alter the weighting too much. Any ideas on this appreciated.

  2. Mitchell J

    Mitchell J
    Belle Plaine, IA

    I also have been wanting to re-grip my Dual Balance putter, but from what I have been told the counter weight is in the grip, not the shaft, so by changing your grip the putter will no longer be counter balanced. I am also wondering if there are any options for re-gripping? I also have had trouble with the putter being too long and catching my shirt, I am thinking about getting the putter cut down so that it is just a normal 35" putter. If anyone else has any information on the topic that would be great!
  3. Mike C

    Mike C
    Dallas, TX

    I have been wondering how the grip / counter-balance on a dual balance putter work as well. It is my understanding that the weight is separate from the grip and does not come with the replacement grip. My assumption is that the weight is attached to the top end of the shaft but I did not know if the weight was affixed with epoxy to the end of the shaft or not. I guess the only way to tell is to cut the grip off to replace it. Does anybody on the boards have experience with a grip replacement and the setup concerning the weight on the dual-balance Scotty putters?
  4. The Super Stroke XL+ has an option to add the 50g counterbalance weight to the grip which would be similar to the Winn grip now. Only concern is the current weight of the Winn grip vs the Super Stroke since the Super Stroke is an inch shorter. I'm thinking it will be pretty close. I'm going to be pulling the grip soon so maybe I can just get it on a scale. Going to do 36.5" or 37" with the Super Stroke XL+ 2.0 and the 50g core grip weight. If anyone has cut theirs, leave some info if the weighting changed after.

  5. Curtis S

    Curtis S

    Mitchell J said:

    I also have been wanting to re-grip my Dual Balance putter, but from what I have been told the counter weight is in the grip, not the shaft, so by changing your grip the putter will no longer be counter balanced. I am also wondering if there are any options for re-gripping? I also have had trouble with the putter being too long and catching my shirt, I am thinking about getting the putter cut down so that it is just a normal 35" putter. If anyone else has any information on the topic that would be great!

    Not true ..... The counter weight is in the shaft .

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