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January 12, 2012 At 09:18 PM By Pagel418
Pagel418Highland, CA
Quintin HMorehead, KY
Yea, look at Stricker, 909D, 906f2,909h, 710 AP2
But then, if I have been playing like Stricker I wouldn't change a thing.
People just tend to stick with what works. I looked at the whats in the bag for players, I believe there was quite a few 906f2's and I think there was a 904f still on tour.
Graeme DCalgary, AB
Don't worry about "better", worry about what works better for you or what you're more comfortable with. Tour players prove you don't need to latest technology to perform the best. Just stick with what you like and are comfortable with.
Don OMadison, WI
John LDewey, OK
listen if I told you about driver usga rules you might lose the point in what im trying express. but what I will tell u is this. the 910 driver line is a better driver for 95% of us golfers. its has a different feel than the 909 line. Rory still uses the 905 or 906 line fairway woods.its a player preffrence thing. Woodland had a custom set of 712 mbs made in high gloss finish becouse they fit his eye better.if you followed the mb line this fall you would know that there are only very minor changes to the mb line. I personally am going to get the 712 line becouse I like the subdued finish and the minor heal grind they did but over all the 712 and 710 mb lines will play about the same. and this is what the masses wanted. the 710 mb line was highly successful. and when you got a great produvt like that you dont want to mess that up. Dont look to much into what you see the pros using. look into what will work best for you. and know that the 910 drivers are an over all better line. this is comming from a skeptical driver buyer (I buy alot of drivers and sell them just as fast) I played an R7 2007 model untill the 910 came out. but I have at one time owned or played every driver in between. but the 910 is always in the bag. and I mean always. when I bring another driver to try out I take out my 5 wood and carry two drivers. becouse I know that 910 is my goto. i,ll probably buy the 912 line but honistly I dont know that they can really make anything better than the 910. time will tell.
P.s. to titleist if you make it in white I will not buy it.
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