Hole in One on General's Retreat at The Hermitaeg Golf Course

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By Elizabeth K

  • 2 Replies
  1. Our daughter arrived home to New Jersey from London, UK late on Wednesday night. Early Thursday morning we were on the road to Nashville, TN for her college (The University of the South - Sewanee) teammate Callie's wedding on Saturday April 27th, 2024. We arrived in Nashville on Friday early afternoon and I dropped her of at her college roomates apartment and headed to the hotel. On Saturday morning, I called in the early morning for a single opening at The Hermitage Golf Course, The General's Retreat Course. I was paired with three young men in their 20's. (After the round they said on the first tee they "it's gunna be a long day.") Throughout the round they kept a very quick pace maybe they were trying to tire the old lady out. When we got to the 17th hole the men's tee was elevated and so I hit my 9 iron and one boy calls out "it went in." After a full round of them not thrilled to be paired with a 60-year-old women, I thought they were yanking my chain. So needless to say I was beyond thrilled that in fact it had gone in! Disappointed that I didn't have anyone from my usual golfing group with me (my husband who taught me 35 years ago) but really thrilled to have an albatross after playing for over 25 years. (12 Handicap) It was verified by Paul A from the pro shop #17 Par 3 at 93 yards. I used a png G 9 iron. Played with Nick Comenale, Harrison Haygood, and Mike Nocco(?) To complete the dream day I went over to the Grand Ole' Opry to see the show and when I went to the counter to ask if they had any tickets a family had donated a ticket and i was the lucky recipient of a free ticket!!! It was a magical day. I was raised in a golfing family so I'm certain my dad, my aunt and three brothers were all smiling down on me from up above.

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Excellent shot, Elizabeth! Congratulations
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    That's awesome! Congrats! I've played there twice and love it! That's my go to course when I'm visiting Nashville!

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