My first hole in one

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By Devin L

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  1. Moments before I got my hole in one me and my playing partner's were just talking about getting a hole in one that we never had one and how close we had been. I always thought I was cursed had come close so many times. Even had 1/4 of a ball plugged around the hole. But that day when I hit my PW I new it was gonna be close. Landed a little ways passed the hole about 10feet. Figure on the tee was gonna have a good birdie opportunity and make some money for men's league night. When the ball hit the green I noticed it coming back and coming back I was like hell yeah this is gonna be tight then low and behold the ball just disappeared. Never I had been so excited jumped for joys have a few good screams. I must of been on cloud 9 for a solid week. Still almost a month later still can't believe I got one. The best part about it all. My mom even got a hole in one this year was her first one too.

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