Watch: Course Management vs. Shot Strategy with Justin Parsons

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 2 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    In this video, Titleist staff member Justin Parsons discusses the difference between Course Management (how to deal with the good and bad breaks you encounter during a round of golf) and Strategy, which you can think of as your game plan for playing a hole. Watch as Justin analyzes a golf hole from the green back to the tee to help map out the best route for shooting your lowest score possible.

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  2. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Handling the good/bad of a golf round is a key component between different levels of players. It's hard, but you have to forget the bad, and don't get too excited about the good. Momentum is a great thing, but we can get too excited as well.
  3. Interesting looking at the shot from the back of the green… rarely do you get this opportunity until you’ve already hit the shot.

    I guess this would apply to playing home courses or more competition rounds during practice.


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