Best video I’ve found for my golf game, hope this help

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By MCalabrese

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  1. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Will be 78 in September and still look for the perfect swing and that magic number. Have shot a 69 three days after my 68th birthday, but golf is one game that there is no perfect score. Guess 58 is the golden fleece, but very few attain. Guess I will be looking for mine until my final tee time, hoping to shoot my age. As get older my chances improve. It is now more about having have that tournament play, as in the past. That is why I love this crazy game, it keeps me coming back, offer me a great challenge, no gimmies or second changes like other sports, and is the most humbling sport I have ever played. For the younger generation, it should be about fairways and greens. Easier to score. Hakuna matata.

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