Left wrist

Follow Thread

By Barkerbob

  • 21 Replies
  1. I have posted about my struggles and want to share this picture. Forgive my attire as I was supposed to be doing my yard work. I filmed a few of my swings and noticed I do not have a flat left wrist at impact. Looks like I am scooping the ball. What are some drills or things to try to stop!

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  2. Johnny Tee

    Johnny Tee
    Mississauga, ON

    Does look like you are flipping at impact. What do you feel your wrists are doing in the backswing and downswing?
  3. I have been told I am casting and I feel like I come way over the top.
  4. Allan


    Team Titleist Staff

    Your move looks pretty solid but you do seem to be casting a bit. Try holding an alignment stick to extend your shaft and then hit little quarter shots (the alignment sticks won't allow you to make full swings) to get a better feel of how your hands/wrist should be at impact. 

  5. Thank you! I will do this.
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Allan B., Titleist Staff said:

    Your move looks pretty solid but you do seem to be casting a bit. Try holding an alignment stick to extend your shaft and then hit little quarter shots (the alignment sticks won't allow you to make full swings) to get a better feel of how your hands/wrist should be at impact. 

    Same thing my PGA teacher/coach tells me when I warm up. These helpful hints are most useful. My tempo gets me in trouble and the right hand takes over. Nice to get helpful tips from staffers in the know. Fortunately my guy and I play together a least once a week. On course is extremely helpful, like having a caddie. Appreciate what you guys do.
  7. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    It also looks like you are tilted away at impact. Put a little more weight on you left foot, try to turn on the right leg and not drift your hips back in the back swing. Your left hip is square and should be rotating left at impact. So I would do for that are rotation drill baseball swings.

    Hold the club straight out and swing like you're hitting a baseball and make sure your left hip rotates first then the hands and right hip follows this will help you come into the ball instead of away at impact. Don't swing hard but steady. After 5-10 swings sit the club down address the ball and hit a few to get the feeling in your golf swing and switch back and forth.

    Keep asking great questions and good luck

  8. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I like both Alan and Darryl's comments. I do the same thing from time to time. Sometimes the legs get lazy, the left hip doesn't turn and you end up flipping to compensate.

    A simple swing thought: think of pulling the left arm through impact instead of pushing the right.

    Regarding your attire, you might want to switch out that srxn hat for a Titleist lid the next time you post a pic.

    Just saying.....
  9. Yeah I just use it when sweating in the yard. My Titleist hats are saved for the course.
  10. Matt C

    Matt C
    Athens, AL

    One additional action to try with the Allan's alignment stick drill is, to do it without the alignment stick making contact with your left side after impact. This forces you to rotate through impact. Any amount of casting will give you a good smack in the ribs. I have also had a pro recommend thinking of impact as if you're "loosening a screw" (tightening for lefties). Basically, turn your left wrist to the left as if you're loosening a screw with a hand held screwdriver at impact. This action leads to a flat, or slightly bowed, left wrist.
  11. Allan


    Team Titleist Staff

    Matt C said:

    One additional action to try with the Allan's alignment stick drill is, to do it without the alignment stick making contact with your left side after impact. This forces you to rotate through impact. Any amount of casting will give you a good smack in the ribs. I have also had a pro recommend thinking of impact as if you're "loosening a screw" (tightening for lefties). Basically, turn your left wrist to the left as if you're loosening a screw with a hand held screwdriver at impact. This action leads to a flat, or slightly bowed, left wrist.

    I tend to bow my left wrist at impact instead of properly releasing the club which gives me some nasty hooks. I've been working on a proper release but really struggling. Definitely going to give this screw loosening feel a try. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Matt C

    Matt C
    Athens, AL

    I have found that if I twist it too hard, I get a little more draw spin than I wanted. It definitely takes a lot of work to get it dialed in but once I do, it really improves my ball striking.
  13. Allan with a bowed left wrist through impact how do you 'release' if you are keeping your lead wrist bowed or solid flat through impact. I am using this & hitting ball very straight with a boring flight. It feels like that through impact my lead arm/hand & Clubshaft are all one 'gate' from a connected lead shoulder & arm extending to the wrist & then the clubshaft.
    I am not feeling any actual hand 'release' as in uncocking but a more torso turn feeling into impact with a very solid firm wrist.
    Am I doing this correctly as I don't really feel a 'release' but more a full fixed 'gate' turning action?.
  14. Allan


    Team Titleist Staff
    If you're hitting the ball very straight, I'd just keep on keeping on!

    I am absolutely not an instructor so take this with a grain of salt, but the way I try and get the feels for a good release is either a one-hand swings with my lead hand or to pretend I'm casting a fishing rod, on a golf plane, toward the target with my trail hand.

    I'm a very weird, feelsy player...
  15. Ben Hogan advocated supination (slightly bowed left wrist). If you are moving and are sequenced correctly, you still can release.

    There are photos and videos on line - I guess we can no longer upload photos here...
  16. Ben A

    Ben A
    Los Gatos, CA

    Try taking swings and letting go with your trail hand just before impact (lead arm only strikes).

    You will be amazed at what this will do for you. There is no way to scoop. It teaches your body the proper sequence and you learn the proper way to strike the ball. So many people try to strike with their dominat side and the right way is opposite. It's tough, but if you do nothing but this drill, you'll see amazing results.

    It is a good left arm workout as well. ;-0

    Once you figure this out, try barely holding the club with your trail hand---when you play, this is the way...push through with your trail wrist, not your fingers.

    Best of luck!
  17. Matt C

    Matt C
    Athens, AL

    I can't wait to try this. This is also one my biggest hard spots, along with rotating and clearing my left side. As I work through doing this drill in my mind, I feel like it help with both. Thanks for sharing!
  18. J22abe


    It looks like your hips aren't rotating and that won't allow space for your left arm to clear. It looks exactly like the fix in this video. Look up on Youtube "The #1 Key to Better Rotation in your Golf Swing" from Mr.ShortGame Golf. I think this is exactly the drill you are looking for to correct your swing.
  19. Paul T

    Paul T
    alpharetta, GA

    Check out these 2 videos...I think you'll find them helpful


  20. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    I saw a 30 minute YouTube lesson yesterday with a well respected instructor who is the teacher for several touring pros. He used he alignment stick to get the wrist at the proper impact position for this Very well done. It looked like he was using a half swing with a 7 iron which seems to me to be a good drill. The main issue was the amateurs body rotation going thru the ball.
  21. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    You need to get that yard work done first, and then go get the balls out of the neighbors yard and head to the golf course for a review or a lesson from a good instructor.
    If you want to tackle it yourself, have a friend video your swing and compare to some of the videos out there for a reference. Then you can find some good drills on how to fix any discrepancies.
    As for the hat, it looks like it still has the tag on it so you can take it back and trade it for a Titleist hat. You'd be surprised at how something that simple can really improve your swing.
  22. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I just hope he has not been waiting around for 22 months for a response....

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