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By JVia

  • 5 Replies
  1. JVia


    I would be interested in hearing about your shaft/head aha moment!! I've had two fittings now with two different results, switched from the GT4 to GT3 went from a Tensei 1k black Xstiff to a Hzrdus gen 5 60 stiff shaft. 8 deg driver head set at D-2 from the fittings. On the course i'd say a disaster, all over the place not a good feel either way. Well I have had enough of this so on to the research I went. Decided on buying two shafts based on info that sounded good. Tensei av raw white and blue both stiff, bought some trackman time and off I went and set the head back to A1 to test. I was originally thinking I'd lean towards the blue since it was softer in the middle and give a little kick, well it did and felt smooth with a kick. only problem was it jumped my spin #'s up over 3000. Moved the head down to D1 and into the white and walla, there it was, smooth with a little kick and I was back dead down the middle once again. 95/96 swing speed, 245-260 yds, 2300-2700 spin, 100-115 height. I'm happy as a lark, all the timing is back it's amazing when you find it right? Just keep searching!

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Sounds like two incompetent fitters. With 95 mph club speed, you are borderline between regular and stiff in most shafts, certainly not X stiff in one of the stiffest shafts out there (tensei 1k black). having driver set at 7.25 degrees is also suspect, forcing you to create loft and spin. This is why simply getting fit on launch monitors indoors is not beneficial. You need to see the ball flight outdoors to get a proper fitting. Happy you are at a better spot currently though.
  3. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    I'm just curious about something. Did you try different shafts and settings during the fittings? Were the two shafts you settled on later (or similar shafts) included during the fitting? If so, why in your opinion are the results so different?
  4. Mike R

    Mike R
    Surrey, UK

    My GT2 with the Tensei 1k blue stiff was more forgiving than my previous TSR3 with the gen 4 HZRDUS black stiff (both at 9 deg) but had lost some distance. Tried playing around with the SureFit and switching between the shafts, nothing making me think "this is it!"...

    However, I picked up a +4g head weight to give that a try and boom! GT2 head set to C3 with the Tensei 1k blue and the +4g weight. Long, straight, and best of all, consistent.

    I was not fitted and so its been trial & error (plus some luck!). Maybe with a fitting I could unlock some more through a different shaft, but as it stands, it works good enough.
  5. Aaron S

    Aaron S
    Indianapolis, IN

    I was fitted in the early fall for the GT2 and hit the ball absolutely terrible. I think it was a product of having played multiple days in a row, was fatigued but the numbers/results weren't there to justify a switch. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago and I gave the new line another shot. The fitter actually set me up with a GT2 head that helped lower my ball flight and he used the same shaft in my current driver showing me numbers slightly better than my current set-up. Then with the last couple of swings, he decided to put the HZRDOUS Black in for me to hit with a slightly stiffer shaft and the numbers were fantastic. Placed my order a couple of days later.
  6. Gregory W

    Gregory W
    Belleville, IL

    I swing around the 95 mph and puts in no mans land between regular and stiff. I haven't found a regular flex shaft that I can keep it on the plant. Tinkered with a Red Ventus 6S and 5S and had some dispersion improvements. Found a C6 blue shaft for cheap at PGA Superstore and put a Titleist adapter. Lost a couple of yards but it is automatic fairway finder with a little baby draw. Shafts have gotten so complicated and all the companies have different adapters so it makes it hard to test other than what the manufacturer sends with the demos.

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