Left Handed lack of club selection

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By Zach Johnson

  • 1 Reply
  1.  Zach Johnson

    Zach Johnson
    Jax, Florida

    Anyone have any good sites for purchasing left handed pre owned? My money is pretty tight so purchasing new clubs or upgrading to the current model is nearly impossible. I usually go through 2nd swing but even they aren't always able to help.

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Dallas Golf, Global Golf, and 3Balls. Titleist now has a new partnership with a reseller. If you go through the direct order site you should get the name. The epic company that also has a used club site does offer other brands. LH might be a stretch but you might find a Titleist there.
    I have reservations about eBay. Garage based resellers don’t have the bandwidth to recognize a forgery when they see one and if anything goes wrong, it is a hassle to resolve. The aforementioned resellers have their own websites as well as links from eBay. As a LH golfer I used to search these sites - until eBay wore me down. So I buy fewer but new clubs now.

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