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September 28, 2015 At 09:59 AM By ron b
ron bWarner Robins, GA
What is the difference between the blue diamana 60 & the blue diamana 62 ? How will the difference effect the performance of the 915 driver ?
Don OMadison, WI
The 915 S+ is listed at 60 g and the previous generation used in the 913s is listed at 62 g. The obvious difference is the blue to silver color change. The torque range is wider, R flex having a little more torque and the TS having less torque than previously. A little more counterbalancing added to accommodate the increased weight of an adjustable head. In my 915 3H, the R flex feels a little softer than the S+ in my 913 24 degree w/o any noticeable loss of performance.
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