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April 24, 2012 At 05:27 PM By tyson w
tyson w
Why are there more carry bag colours to choose from in the States ,I am looking at this bag
Mitch DRichmond Hill, ON
Hi Tyson,
As with many international businesses, the product offerings often reflect the size of the market and the demands within each of those markets. From a business standpoint, if the market is smaller it makes sense to carry less SKU's/inventory. Thus, we carry the most popular colours Canadian consumers demand as indicated over many year of selling golf bags in Canada.
We apologize if the bag colour you desire is not available at your local Titleist authorized dealer. However, if you or someone you know are down in the U.S, you are welcome to visit a U.S Titleist Authorized dealers to purchase you desired bag colour.
All the best,
Mitch D - Team Titleist Canada
I see your point , I have another question how come I can't order stuff off of the website I find that odd to be honest ?
PS I am going to get the bag in the states .
Thank you for another great question.
Titleist operates as a wholesaler, not a retailer.
Titleist prides itself on a longstanding tradition of partnering up closely with golf professionals across the world. This is no different in Canada. We feel that it is a positive experience for consumer to visit their local golf professional or golf retailer who are experts in their respective fields. This way, the consumer can be confident that they are purchasing the right piece of Titleist equipment for their game. Offering direct online purchasing would damage that process significantly. Thus, we will continue to operate as a wholesaler for the foreseeable future.
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