Difference between Demo Day and Club Fitting Day (via appointment)?

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By Joseph K

  • 1 Reply
  1. Joseph K

    Joseph K
    Sydney, NSW

    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering what the difference was between a Demo Day and a Club Fitting Day?

    I'm quite new to golf (3 months in). Until now I've been playing on a set of 10 year old clubs I've inherited from my old man, but I'm starting to take the game seriously now. I'm yet to have a handicap but I average between 24-30 over.

    I'm looking to purchase a whole set of clubs soon, I'm very interested in the AP1s, D2 driver and 913H Hybrid. Would a Demo Day be sufficient for my purposes? Or do I need to make an appointment for a fitting day?

    I much appreciate any response


  2. Bri W

    Bri W
    Cedar Grove, QLD

    Hi Joeseph,

    A demo day is generally just to look at and have a hit of clubs, a fitting day is mainly appointments made by individuals so that the clubs that they are after can be fitted exactly to them. Maybe just get someone to have a quick look at you at a demo day and see what they think (if you should go standard or fitted) and buy or make an appointment depending on that.

    Hope this helps :)

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