Starting over

Follow Thread

By James A

  • 1 Reply
  1. James A

    James A
    Bowen, 0

    I fined it very hard to get started again,  The mined knows what it is suposed to do but doing is another story. To go from 4 over off the stick too hitting a 52 on a par 35, it drives me nuts. Hooking the ball , sliceing it, topping it. Making all the mistakes of a biginer, how ever I was playing seven days a week and up to three times a day on weekends. Then I wanted to go to the PGA school, now I just want to get back to where i was. Practice  and play are the keys in whitch I able to get to where I was just have to start over the right grip, stance not to mention swing. Is it possable to get it back I guess is the question???

  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi James,

    Anything's possible in this game.  Don't worry we all have days we'd rather forget when the numbers on the scorecard start looking more like Saturday Lotto results.

    I know it's a cliche, but if you were to spend one hour with the PGA Professional at your local golf course you would immediately have a pathway for swinging the club better, practicing smarter and improving your scores on the course.

    Thanks for joining us at Team Titleist ANZ.



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